KLUB 11 Program Terms and Conditions





KLUB 11 Loyalty Programme (“KLUB 11”) is managed and operated by K11 Loyalty Program Limited (“K11 LP”) and is governed by the Terms and Conditions set out herein (“Terms and Conditions”).


K11 Artist KLUB (“K11 AK”) is a service offered by K11 LP to the members of K11 Artist KLUB (“Members of K11 AK”) and is also governed by the Terms and Conditions.


The submission of an application for membership to KLUB 11 and K11 AK is deemed to be an acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. 


Upon becoming a member of KLUB 11 and K11 AK, the membershall be deemed to have agreed to and be bound by these Terms and Conditions.




Accumulated Spending

means the total amount of spending by a Member, which is qualified for accumulation under the Programme.



means any services, benefits, privileges, promotions, offers, rewards or the like offered or to be offered to the K11 AK Members and  Members by K11 LP or any third parties (including but not limited to the Designated Merchants) under the Programme from time to time.


Designated Mall

means any commercial premises other than K11 MUSEA and K11 Art Mall (whether in Hong Kong or in Mainland China) as may be designated by K11 LP from time to time.


Designated Merchant

means any merchant who offers or will offer services, benefits, privileges, promotions, offers, rewards or the like to the Members under the Programme subject to the applicable terms and conditions, whether specified herein or the otherwise. A list of such merchants is set out at



and may be varied and updated by K11 LP from time to time without any prior notice.


e-Membership Card

means an electronic Membership Card or Physical Membership Card (including but not limited to a Pre-Membership e-Membership Card, Gold/ Black e-Membership Card and such other kinds of membership cards as may be specified by K11 LP from time to time) issued to a Member for enjoyment of the Benefits. The registered name shall be the same as the applicant’s official identity document and K11 LP reserves the right to seek verification from the applicant.


Gold/Black Card Member

means a person admitted by K11 LP to be a KLUB 11 Gold/ Black Card Member under the Programme subject to such terms and conditions as K11 LP may think fit.


Hong Kong

means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


K11 LP

means K11 Loyalty Program Limited, a company incorporated in Hong Kong with registered office at 4/F, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, 66 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.


K Dollar

means the means of payment to be used in K11 Hong Kong which are converted from KLUB Points.


K11 MUSEA and K11 Art Mall

means K11 Art Mall, K11 MUSEA and any K11 Art Mall or Designated Mall (whether in Hong Kong or in Mainland China) as may be designated by K11 LP from time to time.


K11 Beauty

means K11 Beauty (Shop 105, Level 1, K11, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong) or any counter run by K11 Beauty at specified locations notified from time to time.


K11 Design Store

means K11 Design Store (Shop 110 & 111, Level 1, K11, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong) or any counter run by K11 Design Store at specified locations notified from time to time.


K11 Select

means K11 Select (Shop 101, Level 1, K11, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong) or any counter run by K11 Select at specified locations notified from time to time.


Hong Kong K11’s Official WeChat Account

means the relevant official WeChat page(s) of K11 MUSEA and K11 Art Mall.


K11 AK



means any Free Member, Individual Member, Student Member and other tier of members of K11 AK as may be designated by K11 LP from time to time.  The term “K11 AK Membership” shall be construed accordingly.


KLUB 11 Koncierge

means a service counter designated for KLUB 11 Members in any K11 MUSEA or Art Mall or Designated Mall or other location as may be designated for use by K11 LP from time to time.


KLUB Point

means the credit point granted to Gold Card Members or above by K11 LP under the Programme.


KLUB 11 Website

means the website at www.KLUB-11.com.


KLUB 11 Member

means any Registered Member, Pre-Member, Gold Card Member, Black Card Member and other tier of members of KLUB 11 as may be designated by K11 LP from time to time.



means the membership of KLUB 11 of whatever tier.


Mobile App

means the ‘K11 HK’ Mobile App of K11 in Hong Kong.


Net Spending Amount

means the spending amount after deduction of all payments by means of K11 gift vouchers, K Dollars, K11 Design Store vouchers, DS Dollars and other vouchers and credits.


Participating Merchant

means any merchant recognized or to be recognized by K11 LP, with whom a member is entitled to earn KLUB Points, register his/her spending, receive offers and/or reward, and use K Dollars, as the case may be, under the Programme subject to the applicable terms and conditions as K11 LP may think fit. A list of such merchants may be varied and updated by K11 LP from time to time without any prior notice. For the avoidance of doubt, a Participating Merchant does not include:

(a)     any car park operators, hotels, banks, financial institutions or securities brokers;

(b)    any merchants that do not issue machine-printed receipts; and

(c)     any merchants that are not duly authorized to do business in K11 MUSEA and K11 Art Mall or the Designated Malls.


Physical Membership Card

means the physical membership card issued to a Member, if applicable, under the Programme subject to such terms and conditions as K11 LP may think fit.



means a Member admitted by K11 LP to be a KLUB 11 Pre-Member under the Programme subject to such terms and conditions as K11 LP may think fit.



means the Programme operated and managed by K11 LP under the name of “KLUB 11”.


Registered Member

means a Member admitted by K11 LP to be a KLUB 11 Registered Member under the Programme subject to such terms and conditions as K11 LP may think fit.


QR Code

means the QR Code specified in Clause 12.1 hereinbelow.



means the eligible transaction specified by K11 LP in these Terms and Conditions.


A reference to one gender includes a reference to all genders.


Words in the singular includes the plural and vice versa.





There are four (4) types of Membership, namely, KLUB 11Registered Member (Registered Member); KLUB 11 Pre-Member(Pre-Member); KLUB 11 Gold Card Member (Gold CardMember); and KLUB 11 Black Card Member (Black Card Member).


Any individual aged 12 or above is eligible to apply for Membership as Registered Member, Pre-Member or Gold Card Member upon satisfaction of the corresponding entry requirements as specified under Clause 5 hereinbelow.  Black Card Members are joined upon invitation only. Membership for Registered Member, Pre-Member or Gold Card Member has lifetime validity period (unless terminated pursuant to these terms and conditions).  Membership of Black Card Member has a respective validity period of 12 months from the date Black Card Member joins or renews the relevant Membership. Upon expiry of the 12 months period, if the Black Card Member does not reach the required spending to maintain the Black Card Membership, the relevant member will be automatically converted into a Gold Card Member and be subject to the terms thereto.


The registered name shall be the same as the applicant’s official identity document and K11 LP reserves the right to seek verification from the applicant.


Approval of application for membership and grant of the relevant membership shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of K11 LP.  K11 LP may refuse to approve and grant any membership without giving any reason.


The Membership, the e-Membership Card and the Benefits in KLUB 11 are non-transferable and non-assignable and may only be used or enjoyed by that individual Member to whom the Membership, the e-Membership Card and the Benefits are granted or issued.


K11 LP may at any time without prior notice review the Membership tiers, and the criteria for eligibility to a particular membership, or reassign a Member to another Membership as K11 LP may decide.



There are four (4) types of K11 AK Membership, namely, K11AK Free Member (Free Member);K11 AK Individual (IndividualMember); K11 AK Family Member (Family Member); and K11 AK Corporate Member (Corporate Member).


An applicant applying for Free Membership, Individual Membership,Family Membership and Corporate Membership shall first become a Member of KLUB11 in the corresponding tier and pay the annual fee as specified below:

KLUB Membership

K11 AK Membership

Annual Fee

Registered Member

Free Member



Individual Member



Family Member



Corporate Member



Any individual is eligible to apply for K11 AK Membership as Free Member, Individual Member or Family Member upon satisfaction of the corresponding entry requirements as specified above.  If you are under the age of 18, you should obtain consent from your parent or guardian before you apply for any K11 AK Membership. The Individual Membership, Family Membership and Corporate Membership are only valid for one (1) year from their respective effective date(s).


Each Family Member upon satisfaction of the corresponding entry requirements as specified above is entitled to apply for a Family Membership for a maximum of two (2) individuals who are aged 18 or above and (2) additional young persons who are below the age of 18.  The two (2) adult individuals must also register as KLUB 11 Members to be qualified for Family Membership.


Each Corporate Member (upon submission of valid business registration certificate or other supporting documentation as may be required by K11 LP from time to time) may designate a maximum of five (5) individuals who are aged 18 or above to enjoy the Benefits entitled to a Corporate Member under this Programme or to be stipulated by K11 LP from time to time.  Requested for application of Corporate Membership shall be made to K11 LP directly via email: enquiry@k11artmallhk.com  and each corporate package will be tailor made by K11 LP on a case by case basis.


The registered name shall be the same as the applicant’s official identity document and K11 LP reserves the right to seek verification from the applicant.


Approval of application for membership and grant of the said membership shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of K11 LP.  K11 LP may refuse to approve and grant any membership without giving any reason.


The K11 AK Membership and the Benefits in K11 AK are non-transferable and non-assignable and may only be used or enjoyed by that individual member to whom the membership and the Benefits are granted or issued.


K11 LP may at any time without prior notice review the K11 AK Membership tiers, and the criteria for eligibility to a particular membership, or reassign a K11 AK Member to another K11 AK Membership as K11 LP may decide.


For the purpose of the K11 AK Membership, only this clause and Clauses 1, 2 and 12, 13, 14 and 15 are relevant.




K11 LP will issue an e-Membership Card to a Member upon his successful application for Membership via ‘K11 HK’ Mobile App or Hong Kong K11’s Official WeChat Account. K11 LP and the Designated Merchants are entitled to request a Member to produce his e-Membership Card when he claims for any Benefits or make a request in relation to his Membership, the e-Membership Card, the KLUB Points and the Benefits.


Without prejudice to the right of K11 LP to seek verification under Clause 2.7, K11 LP and the Designated Merchants are entitled to assume without proof that the bearer of a Card is the Member named thereon.


The Physical Card remains the property of K11 LP and shall be returned to K11 LP immediately by a Member upon termination of the Membership or upon request of K11 LP from time to time.


Misuse of the e-Membership Card or Physical Card by a Member may result in termination or suspension of Membership or withdrawal of Benefits from the Member by K11 LP and the Designated Merchants without prejudice to the accrued rights and remedies of K11 LP and the Designated Merchants against the Member.




Registered Member


Any individual who satisfies the membership entry requirements as may be specified by K11 LP from time to time is eligible for application for Membership.


Unless otherwise stated, no Benefits will be enjoyed by Registered Members including but not limited to the granting of KLUB Points.


K11 LP reserves the right to terminate the Registered Membership of a Registered Member anytime if the Registered Member does not satisfy any of the conditions for becoming a Pre-Member or Gold Card Member within the period specified by K11 LP (if any). Upon such termination, K11 LP is entitled to forfeit all Accumulated Spending of such Registered Member and does not include them for the calculation of Benefits purpose.




If the single transaction spending (“Single Transaction Spending”) of a customer/ Registered Member has reached HKD50, he/she is eligible to register as/ be upgraded to Pre-Member.


Only an eligible Transaction between a customer/ Registered Member and a Participating Merchant shall be counted towards the Eligible Spending towards becoming a Pre-Member as defined in Clause 6 hereinbelow;


The customer/ Registered Member shall register the Single Transaction Spending in the Transaction via his/her Mobile App/ Hong Kong K11’s Official WeChat Account or by presenting his/her e-Membership Card (if applicable) and other proofs as specified in Clause 8 hereinbelow to the KLUB 11 Koncierge in the same K11 MUSEA and K11 Art Mall or Designated Mall or other locations as specified by K11 LP from time to time within seven (7) days from the date of the relevant Transaction or other period as specified by K11 LP from time to time. The Single Transaction Spending are deemed to be achieved by the Pre-Member on the date of the Transaction.


For avoidance of doubt, K11 LP does not offer any KLUB Points to Pre-Members for any spending in Transaction by the Pre-Members which are already counted as fulfilment of the applicable conditions for application of Membership. The spending amount of HKD50 or above will be counted as Accumulated Spending for upgrade to the next membership tier.


Unless otherwise stated, no Benefits will be enjoyed by Pre-Members including but not limited to the granting of KLUB Points.


K11 LP reserves the right to terminate the Membership of a Pre-Member at anytime if the Pre-Member does not satisfy any of the conditions for becoming a Gold Card Member within the period specified by K11 LP (if any). Upon such termination, K11 LP is also entitled to forfeit all Accumulated Spending of such Pre-Member and does not include them for the calculation of Benefits purpose.


Gold Card Member


Upon registration as Pre-Member after the first time transaction, if the Accumulated Spending of Pre-Member has reached HKD8,000 within thirty (30) days or same-day spending has reached HKD5,000, he/she will be eligible to be upgraded to Gold Card Member. If a customer who has not registered as Pre-Member, he/she will become a Gold Card Member by making a same-day purchase of HKD5,000.


If a Pre-Member fails to fulfill the upgrade requirement within the specified period, the Accumulated Spending record will be forfeited and it will be re-calculated for another thirty (30) days upon the next transaction.


Only an eligible Transaction between a Pre-Member and a Participating Merchant shall be counted towards the Accumulated Spending towards becoming a Gold Card Member as defined in Clause 6 hereinbelow;


The Gold Card Member shall register the Accumulated Spending in the Transaction via his/her Mobile App/ Hong Kong K11’s Official WeChat Account or by presenting his/her e-Membership Card and other proofs as specified in Clause 8 hereinbelow to the KLUB 11 Koncierge in the same K11 MUSEA or K11 Art Mall or Designated Mall or other locations as specified by K11 LP from time to time within seven (7) days from the date of the relevant Transaction or other period as specified by K11 LP from time to time. The Accumulated Spending are deemed to be achieved by the Gold Card Member on the date of the Transaction.


Black Card Member


For Black Card Membership, it is by invitation only and he shall reach an annual spending of HKD300,000 to be eligible. The membership will only be valid for a period of 12 months from the date a Black Card Member joins or renews the membership.


The Black Card Member shall register the Accumulated Spending in the Transaction via his/her Mobile App/ Hong Kong K11’s Official WeChat Account or by presenting his/her e-Membership Card and other proofs as specified in Clause 8 hereinbelow to the KLUB 11 Koncierge in the same K11 MUSEA or K11 Art Mall or Designated Mall or other locations as specified by K11 LP from time to time within seven (7) days from the date of the relevant Transaction or other period as specified by K11 LP from time to time. The Accumulated Spending are deemed to be achieved by the Black Card Member on the date of the Transaction.







Only an eligible Transaction between a Member and a Participating Merchant shall be counted towards the Accumulated Spending, and the Transaction shall exclude the following transactions:

(a)   Any single spending below HKD50;

(b)   Purchase of cash vouchers, gift cards or coupons, stored value cards or pre-paid cards;

(c)   Purchase of show/event tickets

(d)   Payments using rebate promotion (coupons) and New VIP cash vouchers provided and issued by the Participating Merchants;

(e)   Adding value to Octopus cards, stored value cards or pre-paid cards;

(f)    Currency exchange;

(g)   Any transaction at Hyatt Regency Hotel, K11 ARTUS, and Rosewood Hong Kong;

(h)   Any transactions at Victoria Playpark;

(i)     Any bank transactions;

(j)     Charity donations;

(k)   Any bill payment (including but not limited to payment of telecommunication or utility bills); and

(l)     Any other transaction between the Member and any Participating Merchant as specified by K11 LP from time to time (with or without prior notice).




Members may register their eligible transactions for spending accumulation/KLUB Points accumulation as follows:

KLUB 11 Koncierge  / Koncierge/

‘K11 HK’ Mobile App/ Hong Kong K11’s Official WeChat Account /

Self Service Kiosk/ Sales Ambassador

Eligible Spending

Cash Payment

Electronic Payment






Without upper limit


For any eligible Transaction made at MoMA Design Store, Nature Discovery Park, DONUT CAFE, Donut Store, KLUB 11 Koncierge, K11 Beauty, K11 Design Store, K11 Select or other merchants which may be updated by K11 LP from time to time (with or without prior notice), the spending will be automatically submitted by the relevant merchants on behalf of the Members. Members do not need to register such eligible Transaction for spending accumulation/ KLUB Points accumulation via the channels set out in Clause 7.1 above.




K11 LP will only accept machine-printed receipts as proof of Accumulated Spending in Hong Kong by the Member. If the spending on a Transaction by a Member exceeds HKD500 or other amount specified by K11 LP, the credit, debit, Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay, WeChat Pay, Alipay, Quick Pass (or any form of digital or smart device payment) payment slip shall also be presented by the Member to K11 LP unless the payment is made through the use of Octopus card and K11 LP has the right to verify the name of the Member on such slip is the same as that of his/her e-Membership Card / official identity document.


K11 LP will only accept invoice (發票) printed under supervision of the local tax authority together with the machine-printed receipts as proof of any Accumulated Spending in Mainland China by the Member.


K11 LP will only accept original receipts or invoices and does not accept reprinted, handwritten and photocopied receipts or invoices. The payment must be made by the Member himself/herself and K11 LP reserves the right to seek verification from the Member.


K11 LP is entitled to make copies of the receipts or invoices produced by the Member to K11 LP for audit purpose.


K11 LP is entitled to reject any receipts or invoices that K11 LP suspects to be invalid, forged or not issued for genuine transactions.  K11 LP reserves the right to determine / verify the validity and applicability of any receipts or invoices.  In the event of disputes, the decision of K11 LP shall be final and binding on the parties involved. 


K11 LP is entitled to mark on the original receipts or invoices used for earning Accumulated Spending by the Member. K11 LP does not accept the use of such marked receipts or invoices for earning KLUB Points by the Member again.




Only a Gold Card or above tier Member is entitled to earn KLUB Points. Subject to Clauses 9.3 and 9.4 hereinbelow, a Gold Card or above tier Member will earn 1 KLUB Point for every HKD1 he spent in a Transaction at a Participating Merchant in Hong Kong (KLUB Points earned from Van Cleef & Arpels will be capped at 3 million KLUB Points per year) and 1 KLUB Point for every RMB1 he spends in a Transaction at a Participating Merchant in Mainland China (excluding spending by K Dollar(s)). K11 LP is entitled to adjust the KLUB Point earning rates at any time without any prior notice and to restrict or limit the number of KLUB Points a Gold Card or above tier Member will earn on each Transaction for the special Programmes, facilities and promotional activities.  K11 LP may from time to time organize promotional events for Members or selected Members for awarding KLUB Points.  These Members may earn extra KLUB Points through making purchase at designated merchant(s), shop(s), brand(s) or product(s) during the specific promotional period.  The invitations to the abovementioned promotional events are personal to the recipient Members.  Only Members who have received the event invitation may participate in the event and the invitation is not transferable to other persons, including other Member(s). All KLUB Points decimals will be rounded up to the closest single digit, e.g.:-

Spending Amount

KLUB Points earned


1,251 KLUB Points


Relevant regular KLUB Points shall be credited to Member’s account two days after the transaction date upon verification whereas bonus KLUB Points shall be credited according to terms and conditions of each specific promotion(s).  K11 LP may in its absolute discretion accommodate instant credit of KLUB Points on a case by case basis.


Only a Gold Card or above tier Member is entitled to convert KLUB Points to K Dollars in Hong Kong. A Gold Card Member can convert 200 KLUB Points to 1 K Dollar whereas a Black Card Member can convert 150 KLUB Points to 1 K Dollar, and each K Dollar can be used as HKD1 instant cash to be spent in a Transaction at a Participating Merchant in Hong Kong K11 LP is entitled to adjust the K Dollar conversion rate at any time without any prior notice and/or to restrict or limit the amount of K Dollars a Gold Card or above tier Member will spend on each Transaction for the special Programmes, facilities and promotional activities.


KLUB Points converted into K Dollars where the QR code representing the K Dollars scanned by the merchants are not reversible to KLUB Points. No refund is allowed and cannot be converted into cash. Spending by K Dollars are also not counted as spending amounts for promotional and redemption programmes organized by K11 LP.


Members shall spend at least 10 K Dollars in participating merchants if he wishes to spend K Dollars by converting respective KLUB Points.


K11 LP will only offer KLUB Points to a Gold Card or above tier Member for the spending on an eligible Transaction between a Gold Card or above tier Member and a Participating Merchant and the Transaction as specified in Clause 6 hereinabove.


To earn KLUB Points, the Gold Card or above tier Member shall register the spending in the Transaction via his/her Mobile App/ Hong Kong K11’s Official WeChat Account or by presenting his e-Membership Card and other proofs as specified in Clause 8 hereinabove to the KLUB 11 Koncierge  in the same K11 MUSEA or K11 Art Mall or Designated Mall or other locations as specified by K11 LP from time to time within seven (7) days from the date of the relevant Transaction or other period as specified by K11 LP from time to time. KLUB Points are deemed to be earned by the Gold Card or above tier Member on the date of the Transaction.


K11 LP is entitled to cancel or deduct the KLUB Points of any Gold Card or above tier Member if such KLUB Points were granted by K11 LP to the Gold Card or above tier Member by mistake or error.


If a Gold Card or above tier Member has earned KLUB Points from a Transaction which is subsequently cancelled or reversed for whatever reasons, K11 LP is entitled to deduct the KLUB Points earned therefrom from his account.


If a Gold Card or above tier Member has already obtained the Benefits but does not have sufficient KLUB Points for redemption of the Benefits for whatever reasons, the Gold Card or above tier Member shall make up the shortfall by paying to K11 LP HKD100 for every 100 KLUB Points or RMB100 for every 100 KLUB Points or other ratio specified by K11 LP or its pro-rate amount. The Gold Card or above tier Member agrees that the payment by the Gold Card or above tier Member to K11 LP in the shortfall is an agreed liquidated damages but not a penalty.


If a Gold Card or above tier Member does not report the error on KLUB Points to K11 LP within fourteen (14) days from date of issue of a statement from K11 LP to the Gold Card or above tier Member, the Gold Card or above tier Member is deemed to agree to the accuracy of the KLUB Points on the Transaction record specified in the his/her Mobile App/ Hong Kong K11’s Official WeChat Account.


Except for manifest errors, the records of K11 LP as to the number of KLUB Points earned or used by a Gold Card or above tier Member are conclusive.


The KLUB Points which a Gold Card or above tier Member has earned will be subject to points expiry date depending on the date the Gold Card or above tier Member becomes a KLUB 11 Member (“the Expiry Date”). On the Expiry Date, the remaining KLUB Points unused will expire.  K11 LP reserves the right to shorten or extend the expiry period of KLUB Points with or without notice to a Gold Card or above tier Member.

Date of Joining KLUB 11 membership

Points Expiry Date

1 January to 31 March

31 March of each following year

1 April to 30 June

30 June of each following year

1 July to 30 September

30 September of each following year

1 October to 31 December

31 December of each following year


Notwithstanding the foregoing, the KLUB Points which a Gold Card or above tier Member has earned within the seven (7) days immediately prior to the relevant Points Expiry Date will have an extension of validity period up and until the following end of quarter date.   For example, for KLUB Points earned during 25 December 2019 to 31 December 2019 (with original Points Expiry Date of 31 December 2019), the relevant KLUB Points will have an expiry date up and until 31 March 2020.

For avoidance of doubt, if a Gold Card or above tier Member joins KLUB 11 on 15 May 2019, the corresponding expiry date of his KLUB Points will be 30 June 2020. The KLUB Points that he earns from 15 May 2019 to 23 June 2020 shall expire on 30 June 2020. For a Member upgraded to Black Card Membership tier, the Points Expiry Date will remain unchanged and reference to the original date as he/she first joined KLUB 11.


Only a Gold Card or above tier Member may use the following services via below channels (as and where applicable):

Types of Services

KLUB 11 Koncierge

KLUB 11 Website

Mobile App/ WeChat

Self Service Kiosks

Register eligible transactions for KLUB Points earning

Convert KLUB Points into K Dollar

Redeem KLUB Points for rewards

Check KLUB Points/ K Dollar balance

Update personal particulars

√ *

Check information on member benefits and privileges

* Only age range and gender of personal particulars can be updated via Mobile App / Hong Kong K11’s Official WeChat Account of which K11 LP has the right to change or update from time to time without notice.

For the purpose of using the services mentioned in 9.1 hereinabove, each Gold Card or above Member will be assigned a membership account and a password. The Gold Card or above Member shall keep his membership account, username and password strictly confidential and in safe custody. The Gold Card or above Member is fully responsible for any use of his membership account by any person (including any third parties whether with or without authority of the Gold Card or above tier Member).




A Member may only be able to claim certain items under the Benefits, at the respective K11 MUSEA and K11 Art Mall and/ or certain Designated Mall and/ or other location specified by K11 LP from time to time and K11 LP is entitled to make final decision on such items of Benefits.


All Benefits are offered subject to availability and are offered only while stocks last (if applicable).


K11 LP is entitled to grant Benefits (including but not limited to using KLUB Points and / or K Dollars) to a Member only when the Membership account of this Member is valid and in good standing as recognised by K11 LP.


Once K11 LP has accepted a redemption request (including conversion from KLUB Points to K Dollars) from a Member, the redemption request by the Member cannot be changed or cancelled.


K11 LP and the Designated Merchants are entitled to request a Member to present his/her e-Membership Card and, if necessary, other identification documents for verification of identities of the Member when the Member claims for any Benefits.




KLUB 11 may issue a one-time use QR code for specific rewards via the member’s registered email or be stored in his KLUB 11 account on Mobile App / Hong Kong K11’s Official WeChat Account upon successful redemption. The issued QR code entitles the holder to redeem the reward within the designated validity period at designated location as stated.


It may be made available by KLUB 11 / K11 Kulture Academy / K11 Atelier Academy for certain rewards under the online redemption platform in KLUB 11/ K11 Kulture Academy website – My KLUB 11 Member Login. Under the KLUB Points/ K Dollar plus Pay feature, Members can redeem the specific reward using a combination of KLUB Point/ K Dollar and additional payment. All payment must be made through the online credit card payment system.


All prices listed in KLUB 11 / K11 Kulture Academy website for redemption are denoted in Hong Kong dollars. All payments must be settled in Hong Kong dollars only.


Only credit cards registered with “Verified by Visa” or “MasterCard Secure Code” can be used in our online payment system (“Online Payment”). If you wish to pay via Online Payment, please register with either of these services through your credit card issuing bank before placing your order. By using the Online Payment system you represent and warrant that you have obtained your credit card legally and have the capacity to enter into an Online Payment transaction. NOTE if you proceed with payment via Online Payment system, you will be directed to a different website address operated by service provider of such Online Payment, KLUB 11 does not endorse nor support the content of such website address. The user agreement for the Online Payment service will govern your use of that service, and you must refer to that user agreement and not these terms and conditions to determine your rights and liabilities as a user of the Online Payment services.


Members may submit requests for redemption of rewards through KLUB 11 / K11 Kulture Academy website or KLUB 11 Koncierge. Nevertheless, the KLUB Points/ K Dollar plus Pay redemption feature is only available online. KLUB 11 may accept or reject such requests according to whether Member has sufficient KLUB Points or successfully process any required payment for the Redemption and whether the reward is still available.


When a Member redeems the Reward(s), the relevant KLUB Points/K Dollars will be deducted automatically from his/her KLUB 11 membership account. The deductions will be shown on the Members’ statements of accounts.


If an online redemption request is accepted by KLUB 11 / K11 Kulture Academy, a redemption notification letter will be sent to the Member by e-mail or via Mobile Apps. If a Member fails to collect his/her reward in accordance with the instructions specified in redemption notification before the expiry of the QR Code, he/she is deemed to have given up his or her right to collect the reward.


A Member shall present his or her original and valid Gold/ Black e-Membership Card for inspection at the time of redemption.


Rewards are offered on a first-come-first-served basis, and shall be available while stock lasts.


Rewards and QR codes cannot be exchanged for cash or other gifts.


Specific terms and conditions may apply to each reward and issued QR code.




K11 LP is entitled to forthwith terminate or suspend the membership of any Member and / or K11 AK Member in case the member breaches any of these Terms and Conditions or does not follow the instruction of the K11 LP. In addition, K11 LP reserves the right to forthwith terminate or suspend the membership of any Member and / or K11 AK Member at any time at the sole discretion of K11 LP without any reasons or compensation. K11 LP shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting therefrom by any party in any event.


K11 LP is entitled to cancel all unused KLUB Points of a Member forthwith upon termination of its Membership for whatsoever reasons without any compensation.


Termination of membership of the Member and / or the K11 AK Member for whatsoever reasons shall be without prejudice to the accrued rights and remedies of K11 LP, the Participating Merchants and the Designated Merchants.


Upon death of a Member and / or K11 AK Member, his/her membership account shall be closed and all unused KLUB Points (if any) shall be cancelled by K11 LP without any compensation.




All liability, if any, on the part of K11 LP, its employee, affiliates, agents, suppliers and partner organizations as set out in these Terms and Conditions, expressed or implied by statute or otherwise, are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the maximum liability of K11 LP to any Member and / or K11 AK Member shall not exceed HKD100 in aggregate in any event.


A Member and / or a K11 AK Member hereby is deemed to have read, understood and agreed that he does not rely on any statement, representation, assurance or warranty made by K11 LP and shall waive all of his rights, if any, against K11 LP in relation thereof.


Without prejudice to Clause 14.2 hereinabove, K11 LP does not give any warranty for the quality or fitness of any of the Benefits and accepts no responsibility in respect of the following: -

(a)      refusal by K11 LP and any Designated Merchants to offer the Benefits or accept the Card;

(b)     unavailability of any of the Benefits; and

(c)      refusal of replacement or change of any of the Benefits or compensation or reward thereof by K11 LP or any Designated Merchants.


In case of any disputes between the Member and / or K11 AK Member and the Designated Merchants in relation to these Terms and Conditions or the Benefits, both parties shall resolve the disputes themselves. K11 LP shall have the right not to involve in the dispute provided that it shall be without prejudice to any rights of K11 LP under these Terms and Conditions, including exercising its rights to make final decision on the dispute.


The Designated Merchants may impose additional terms and conditions in respect of the Benefits available to the Member. The Member agrees to be bound by such additional terms and conditions in respect of the Benefits.




K11 LP will deal with all personal data in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of the Laws of Hong Kong and the New World Group Privacy Policy Statement. The provisions of this clause set out the specific areas.


The personal data collected from a Member and / or a K11 AK Member by K11 LP will be used for daily operation; administration of membership accounts and records; research and development; advertising, marketing, public relations and direct marketing (including joint marketing); communicating news and information; identification; processing of purchase orders; provision of goods, services, benefits, offers and promotions or others tailored to needs; fundraising; information and database administration; and other purposes in connection with or incidental to the aforesaid.


K11 LP may share the personal data with or transfer the same to any third parties (within Hong Kong or Mainland China), including but not limited to K11 Group Limited and New World Development Company Limited, Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited, their respective holding companies, associated companies, fellow subsidiaries and any company in which any of the above has any interest (collectively “New World Group”) and the business associates, partners, agents, contractors, suppliers and providers of K11 LP for the purposes specified in Clause 15.2 hereinabove.


A Member and / or a K11 AK Member has a right to request in writing the Personal Data Privacy Officer of K11 LP to:

(a)      access his personal data held by K11 LP (if any); and

(b)     require K11 LP to correct his personal data that is inaccurate (if any).

K11 LP may charge a reasonable fee for processing a data access request of a Member.


If a Member and / or a K11 AK Member has any questions or wishes to access or correct his personal data held by K11 LP, please contact K11 LP’s Personal Data Privacy Officer at:

K11 Loyalty Program Limited
4/F Tsim Sha Tsui Centre,
No. 66 Mody Road,
Tsim Sha Tsui East,

Hong Kong
Legal Department
Personal Data Privacy Officer
(Marked as Confidential)


The physical records of the personal data of a Member and / or a K11 AK Member will be stored in secured places with restricted access. The electronic records of the personal data of a Member and / or a K11 AK Member will be stored in the servers of K11 LP located in secured places. Only authorized personnel of K11 LP will have access to these records and servers.


Please also read the Privacy Policy Statement (http://www.KLUB-11.com/KLUB_Concierge.aspx?type=a8&languageType=english) of K11 LP at KLUB 11 Website which sets out the general privacy policy and practices of K11 LP in respect of its collection, holding and use of personal data. The Privacy Policy Statement is also applicable to the Programme.




The use of the KLUB 11 Website, Mobile App, Hong Kong K11’s Official WeChat Account and facility by the Member and / or the K11 AK Member is also governed by, if any, the applicable terms and conditions and the Privacy Policy Statement of such website, app and facility.


K11 LP is entitled to impose additional terms and conditions in respect of the Membership, the K11 AK Membership, the Card, the KLUB Points and the Benefits from time to time. Should there be any inconsistencies between these Terms and Conditions and those additional terms and conditions, those additional terms and conditions shall prevail.


K11 LP is entitled to transfer, assign, charge, sub-contract or otherwise dispose of any of the rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions and the programme on such terms and conditions as K11 LP may at its sole discretion think fit at any time without any prior notice to the Member and / or K11 AK Member.


K11 LP is entitled to, at any time, modify the structure, contents and other features of the programme, including but not limited to joining programmes of or having arrangements with other programmes for customer rewards and targeted offers.


K11 LP is entitled to amend, suspend and terminate the programme at any time for commercial consideration as it deems fit by giving to the Members and / or K11 AK Members a one (1) week’s prior notice without any reasons or compensation. In addition, K11 LP reserves the rights to amend, suspend and terminate the programme at any time without any prior notice, reasons or compensation. K11 LP shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting therefrom by any party in any event.


K11 LP reserves the absolute right and discretion to amend, delete, modify and/or vary any of these Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to the privileges and benefits under KLUB 11 and / or K11 AK, at any time without prior notice.


Any failure to enforce a particular term herein by K11 LP does not constitute a waiver of that term.


K11 LP has the right to interpret these Terms and Conditions. In case of disputes, the decision of K11 LP will be final and binding on all parties concerned.


The Chinese version of these Terms and Conditions is provided for reference only.  In the event of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.


These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Hong Kong.

Effective from 23 Aug 2019

Personal InformationCollection Statement

This Personal InformationCollection Statement (this “Statement”)is made by K11 Loyalty Program Limited (“K11LP” “we”, “us”, or “our”), and applies between us and you (“you”, or “your”).  This Statement should be read togetherwith the Terms and Conditions (if any) of the “K11 HK” Mobile App, “Wechat” and/or otherdevice(s) or application(s) (“Application”)and the K11 website at www.KLUB-11.com (“Website”)(the “Terms and Conditions”), provided that, in the event of anyinconsistency between this Statement and the Terms and Conditions concerningmatters relating to personal data, this Statement shall prevail.

K11 LP is part of theNew World group of companies which includes New World Development CompanyLimited (“NWD”), New WorldProperty Management Company Limited, NWS Holdings Limited, New World China Land Limited, New WorldDepartment Store China Limited, K11 Concepts Limited, New World LoyaltyProgramme Limited, New World Group Charity Foundation Limited, K11 Art FoundationLimited, Humansa Limited and other affiliated or related companiesfrom time to time as listed here (“New World Group”)(including any joint venture companies where any of the New World Group’scompanies has an interest from time to time aslisted here) whose activities include real estate (sale, leasing andinvestment), mortgage services, retail, property management, facilitiesmanagement, activity planning and management, infrastructure, shopping malls,department stores, jewelleries and luxury products, e-commerce, hospitalityservices, food and beverages, convention and exhibition centres, sports andrecreational facilities, education, health care and senior care,transportation, sustainability programmes and products, TMT (Technology, Mediaand Telecom), start up and social innovation programmes and charitable pursuitsincluding sports, recreation, art and cultural programmes, relief of poverty,advancement of education, advancement of religion,  and other purposes that are beneficial to thecommunity (the “Goods and Services”)(the New World Group and joint venture companies together referred to as “Affiliates”).

In order to enable us to perform the Purposes (see below), you arerequired to provide all the requested/mandatory personal data in the applicationform for KLUB 11 membership. If you do not provide the required personal data,then we may not be able to perform the Purposes and/or provide goods orservices to you.

Kinds of personal data

Thekinds of personal data we may collect from you include your name, gender, age (or age range), monthand date of birth, contact details, e-mail address, mailing/ residential/correspondenceaddress, contact number, membership number, marital status, family status,educational level, occupation, username and password, Log Files (see below),interests and favourite activities, trackinginformation about your use of the Application/Website and transactioninformation (including your characteristics and transaction behavior) (“Tracking Data”), social mediaaccount information, etc.

Purposes for using personal data

Thepersonal data to be collected from you will be used and retained by us (and/orour Affiliates and/or our Marketing Partners as defined in the “DirectMarketing” section below, as applicable) for the following purposes (as may beapplicable from time to time) (together, the “Purposes”):

•   Fordaily operation and administration of your membership, and to contact you inconnection with your membership;

•   Todeliver bespoke services and membership benefits to you;

•   Toprocess bookings, purchases, orders or requests made by you;

•   Tosend you birthday messages and offers (if you have provided your date of birth)or event reminders;

•   Identifyingand verifying your identity and/or as a member;

•   Registeringyou as a user of the Application/Website;

•   To serve you better and/or maintainyour personal data and/or information across multiple pages within or acrossone or more sessions when using the Application/Website;

•   Following registration as a user,accessing your account information and managing your account (including, butnot limited to, changing your password, updating your personal information,subscribing/unsubscribing from direct marketing, etc.);

•   Research,development, and analysis in relation to your/customer behavior includingcarrying out data sorting and analysis to enable us to better understand yourcharacteristics and transaction behaviour to provide other services bettertailored to your needs, and to assist us in selecting Marketing Subjects (seebelow) that are likely to be of interest to you, and carrying out aggregatedbehavioural analysis, including using personal data for statistical analysis,data science studies and data mining;

•    For you to make enquiries,complaints, and/or suggestions to us in relation to the Purposes and/or theGoods and Services (including, but not limited to, through an in-app text boxon your mobile device or through our official social media page and/or ourofficial website of, or by text message, email and/or mail, and/or other mediawhether now known or available in the future);

•    Seeking your feedback, includingthrough surveys, in relation to the Purposes and/or the Goods and Services(including, but not limited to, through an in-app text box on your mobiledevice or through our official social media page and/or our official websiteof, or by text message, email and/or mail, and/or other media whether now knownor available in the future);

•   Improvingthe Application/Website, Purposes, and our and our Affiliates’ and MarketingPartners’ Goods and Services;

•   Directmarketing and cross-marketing for the Marketing Subjects, subject to consent(see below section entitled “Direct marketing”);

•   Dataanalytics, profiling, information management and database administration;

•   Deterring,detection, investigation and/or prevention of activities that may violate, ormay be suspected to violate, our policies or may be abusive, illegal, and/orcriminal;

•   Collectionor recovery of any debt owed by you to us or our Affiliates;

•   Thenormal management, operation, and maintenance of the Application/Website andthe provision of the Goods and Services to you;

•   Storingyour personal data (whether by a single or multiple Affiliates (including us)or our Marketing Partners) for the purpose of sharing such personal data withour Affiliates and/or our Marketing Partners for any and all of the otherPurposes listed above; and/or

•   Otherpurposes ancillary or related to the above.

Those with whom we share personal data

We mayengage agents, contractors, suppliers and service providers in connection withthe Purposes and/or the provision of the Goods and Services, e.g. IT providers,marketing agents, social media, research companies, and service providers ofdevelopment and maintenance, administrative, data processing, digital storage,or other similar services, and may transfer to or share your personal data withthem for the Purposes. We may also share your personal data with ourAffiliates, our MarketingPartners (see below)and the social media platforms that we and/or our Affiliates/our Marketing Partners (see below) use for such Purposes. Where weare required by the law of any country or requested by any court, regulatorybody or governmental body of any country, we may also disclose your personaldata as required. In the event of any actual or proposed transfer of business,transfer of shares, re-structuring, amalgamation, merger, sale, transfer, orpurchase of us or our business or our Affiliates or our Affiliates' businesses,your personal data may be transferred to the new entity as part of thetransaction, provided that the new entity abides by this Statement andcontinues to exercise the same level of care, in respect of your personal data,as we would. You will be notified of such event and you may decide to withdrawyour consent to the use of your personal data.

Yourpersonal data may be stored by us in physical locations and/or servers locatedwithin or outside Hong Kong and/or shared with our Affiliates and/or ourMarketing Partners (see below) located within or outside Hong Kong. However, wewill take all reasonable measures to ensure that your personal data is storedand processed securely, regardless of the place or country in which it isstored, and we procure by contract or use our reasonable endeavours to ensurethat our Affiliates and our Marketing Partners do the same.

Direct marketing

Subjectto your consent, we may use your personal data to send you direct marketing(including, but not limited to, special offers, news, information andmarketing) about us,our Affiliates and/or our Marketing Partners in relation to the Marketing Subjects (seebelow) whether byin-app messages and/or notifications and/or push notifications to your mobiledevice, post, email, telephone, text message, or other media whether now knownor available in the future.

Subjectto your consent, we may also use your personal data for, or provide yourpersonal data to, our Affiliates and/or our Marketing Partners (see below) sothat they may send you direct marketing (including, but not limited to, specialoffers, news, information and marketing) about us, our Affiliates and/or our MarketingPartners in relationto the Marketing Subjects (see below) whether by in-app messages and/or notifications and/or pushnotifications to your mobile device, post, email, telephone, text message,and/or other media whether now known or available in the future. Our “Marketing Partners” include property developers, banks,finance and investment institutions, insurance companies, private clubs,concierge and customer service provider, retail outlets and online businesses(products and services including fashion and beauty, health and personal cares,luxury, home and living, food, wine and beverage, books and stationery),shopping malls, department stores, watches and jewellers (such as Chow Tai FookJewellery Group Limited), hotel chains, catering services providers, healthcareand senior care, services and/ or products providers including art and culture,gallery and exhibition, green and nature, sports and recreation, travel andaccommodation, leisure and entertainment, transportation and logistics,telecommunication and information technology, education and institutions.

As wemay share your personal data with our Affiliates and/or our Marketing Partners,we may also receive your personal data from them.  Subject to your consent given to our Affiliates and/or our MarketingPartners, we mayalso use such personal data to send you direct marketing about us, our Affiliates and/or ourMarketing Partnersin relation to the Marketing Subjects.

Thetypes of products, services, events and charitable initiatives that we, ourAffiliates and/or our Marketing Partners may market to you include thefollowing (together, the “MarketingSubjects”):

•   goods and services offered by us and/or our Affiliates in relation tothe Goods and Services;

•   finance, banking, mortgage, insurance and other related services andproducts by banks, finance and investment institutions and insurance companies;

•   access and privileges at private clubs;

•   professional consultation on customer services, including but notlimited to event planning, holidays, hotels, travel, and tickets reservation;

•   consumer products and services by retail outlets and/or onlinebusinesses, including clothing, shoes, fashion, fashion accessories and beauty,health and personal cares, luxury, home and living, household products, food,wine, liquor and beverages, confectionary, groceries, books and stationery,toys, cigarettes and cigars, fragrances and cosmetics, baby products,telephones and mobile devices, electronics and electrical appliances, computersoftware, and games, bags and luggage, furniture, sports and leisure equipment,;

•   pharmaceutical products, medical and pharmaceutical services,therapists;

•   tutoring, mentoring, home cleaning, janitor services, landscape andplant maintenance services, agricultural services, part time housekeeping,plumbing services, locksmiths, barber and salon services, gym and fitnessservices, laundry services, florists, vehicle towing, and motor vehicleservices;

•   reward, loyalty, privileges programmes and promotions at shopping mallsand department stores;

•   reward, loyalty, privileges programmes and promotions for customersand/or potential customers of the New World Group;

•   watches, jewelleries and accessories;

•   restaurants, catering services on food, wine and beverage;

•   travel, hospitality and accommodation services and products, includingbut not limited to hotels and serviced apartments, holiday package products andservices offered by travel agents, tickets to attractions; 

•   transportation and logistics service, including but not limited to airtravel and non-air transportation services such as hotel transfers, carrentals, bus operators, train operators and cruise operators, and courier services and shipping services ;

•   conference and exhibition management services, consultancy and marketingresearch services, supply chain management, event and project managementservices, gaming services, advertising and public relations services, mediaproduction services;

•   tickets for concerts, galleries, exhibitions, films, theatricals,sporting, special and cultural events;

•   green and nature activities;

•   technology, telecommunication, internet and mobile communicationservices, social networking and media;

•   graphic and interior design services, photography services, printing andpublishing services;

•   legal services, medical services, accounting, auditing, bookkeeping andtaxation services, engineering services, architectural services, surveyingservices, equipment rental services, hospitality services;

•   professional advice and/or consultation on education and/or personalenhancement;

•   charitable initiatives which support areas including sports, recreation,art and cultural programmes relief of poverty, advancement of education,advancement of religion and other purposes that are beneficial to the community

Wecannot use or provide your personal data for direct marketing purposes unlessyou consent. Even if you give your consent, you can opt out of direct marketingat any time (or you may request that we cease to provide your personal data tothird parties, at which point we will cease to do so), free of charge, bywriting to our Personal Data Privacy Officer at 4th Floor, Tsim ShaTsui Centre, 66 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong (markedConfidential).

Your rights

You havethe right to:

•   check whether we hold any of your personal data;

•   access your personal data held by us;

•   require us to correct any personal data which is inaccurate;

•   ascertain our policies and practices (from time to time) in relation topersonal data and the types of personal data held by us.

If youwould like to make a request in relation to the above (or make any generalenquiries), please contact our Personal Data Privacy Officer at 4th Floor, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, 66 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, HongKong (marked Confidential).  Inaccordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) (the “PDPO”),we have the right to charge you a reasonable fee for the processing of any personaldata access request.

Privacy Policy Statement

We adoptthe New World Group Privacy Policy Statement. You can find out more about our policy on personal data protection byaccessing the New World Group Privacy Policy Statement available at http://www.nwd.com.hk/privacy-policy.  If there is any inconsistency orconflict between the New World Group Privacy Policy Statement and thisStatement, this Statement shall prevail.

Pleasealso see the New World Group Privacy Policy Statement for our policies andinformation about;

•   our collection and/or use of log files (data relating to your useof/visits to the Application/Website, including but not limited toyour IP address, domain name, browser type and access time);

•   the use of cookies and other tracking mechanisms;

•   retention of your personal data;

•   third party merchants and/or websites that may be contained in the Application/Website;

•   how we keep your personal data secure;

•   use of your personal data in legal proceedings.


If thereis any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese version ofthis Statement, the English version shall prevail.


ThisStatement may be updated from time to time to reflect changes to our policywith respect to personal data protection and/or changes to personal data/dataprivacy laws and regulations.  Wherethere are significant changes, we will notify you and obtain your acceptance ofthe changes, consents, and/or opt in (as necessary or applicable).  If you do not accept the changes and/or provideyour consent, then we may not be able toperform the Purposes and/or provide goods or services to you.  You are advised to check the Application/Website for updates to this Statement ona regular basis.

Nothingin this Statement shall limit your rights under the Personal Data (Privacy)Ordinance of the laws of Hong Kong.

ThisStatement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws ofHong Kong.

Updated:15 August 2019